miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019

To my midnight firefly poem by William E Amador

To my midnight firefly
poem by William E Amador

Dear light of my way; you are so tender and small that on the horizon you disappear,
While I'm groping for you, eager to touch you and admire the beauty that still does not bloom.
I feel the desire of my passion that overflows, which steed in February,
When at last I reach your hands and touch your hair; your beautiful smiling.
You look at me, as if your eyes seek to see beyond the hour
And my lips, they are lost in the distance of your mouth.
I adore, Firefly of mine; when you sigh slowly, in my ear,
Like an acute musical drop of water,
Then, my trembling hands go down to your Elysian fields,
And they go up even more; to the Olympus of my wishes,
To those two virgin mountains, which have not yet been conquered
And that I hurry, as an intrepid explorer, I try to colonize them.
But one thing, I must tell you, My Firefly;
You are as beautiful as the bluest of sapphires,
But as forbidden as the same destiny.
As soon as we merge in praises and passions,
I have to be careful, watching over your back,
Because nobody should know the secret, nor the love that protects,
After that old door that darkness covers.
But ... what is forbidden in passion?
Although we have the same red blood,
You will see my passion and desire running through my veins,
You take my hand, and then I disappear.
To a better place I go, even than my dreams.
Where passion again overflows;
And my lips are confused with yours.
To that secret place that you and I know
And that the sun always covers, with its impressive reflection.
William E Amador (January 2016)

Writer: William E Amador | 

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