lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Greetings heroes and heroines.01 May day of the worker

Greetings heroes and heroines.
01 May day of the worker

As you know, today is May 1 or what is the same, International Workers' Day, known in turn as May Day. One day with so many names, you already smell the importance, right?

But where does the importance of this day lie?

As always, a little history:

On May 1, 1886 (very recently in historical times) 200,000 workers (approximately) began the strike, while others 200,000 threatened a general strike. The strike sought the establishment of 8 working hours.

"Eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep and eight hours for the house"

The strike extended on days 2, 3 and 4, the day on which the Haymarket revolt took place, where a policeman and an unknown number of workers died.

In retaliation, a trial was launched against 31 "responsible", reduced to 8 that culminated in the hanging of 5 and the imprisonment of 3.

Which it was the result? The implementation of the 8-hour day by various employer sectors.

That said, it is not enough to say how important this day, cataloged as a party, is that it is not a celebration at all.

I encourage all of you and everyone that today when you are enjoying your day off (those who have the privilege of doing it) you remember these names:

Dead on the gallows:

-Georg Engel, German, 50 years old, typographer.

-Adolf Fischer, German, 30 years old, journalist.

-Albert Parsons, American, 39, journalist, husband of the Mexican Lucy Gonzalez Parsons although it was proved that he was not present at the place, he gave himself up to be with his companions and was judged equally.



   Go free in the furrow, beat the wing in the wind,
It beats alive in the sun and lights in the pine forest.
You do not have to forget it like bad thinking:
                   You will have to listen to him!

    He speaks a bronze tongue and speaks a bird's tongue,
timid entreaties, sea imperatives.
You do not want to put a bold gesture, serious frown:
                      You will have to host it!

    Spend traces of owner; they do not make excuses.
Ripping flower vases, cleaves the deep glacier.
You do not have the courage to tell him to shelter him:
                   You will have to host it!

    It has subtle tricks in fine replication,
arguments of wise, but in the voice of a woman.
Human science saves you, less divine science:
                   You will have to believe it!

    He throws you linen bandage; you sell it tolerated.
He offers you his warm arm, you do not know how to run away.
Start walking, you follow it spellbound even if you saw
                      That stops dying!

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

Clearly, love is love, and not obligation **

* Clearly, love is love, and not obligation **

* Many people say that they love with their hearts, that they are in love, but have you ever wondered what is love really? They say that a person who never loved will never understand love and it is true, since love suffers but also that same love gives us happiness, love teaches us to see life and everyone in a different way, you can not learn what love is without having loved at least once, so I can tell you that love is a special feeling that can not be described but can be expressed, it is something that can give you many joys if you are with the right person, you would give everything for that person, you would do everything and you only need the approval of that person, noth
ing else matters. *
** Clearly, love is love, and not obligation **

sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

"Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it's learning to love yourself in the rain ..."

"Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it's learning to love yourself in the rain ..."

Once again you catch my sadness to hide it in your pocket, to take it away from me. Once again you have sown the garden of my nightmares with new dreams, with new hopes. And I am still full of love for everything that belongs to you, full of jealousy for everything that rubs you and takes away a bit of you. And you're still here, giving me my life in every breath, begging for my kisses without knowing that you do not even have to ask for them. Because they are yours, because I have not been mine for some time, but yours.

  And I do not care if we are different, that we think differently, that we are not compatible ... It is enough for me to coincide with you in wanting to be together forever. And only one thing scares me, that we could never have met.

Sonnet 22 de Pablo Neruda

Sonnet 22 de Pablo Neruda
How many times, love, I loved you without seeing you and maybe without memory,

without recognizing your look, without looking at you, centaury,

in opposite regions, in a burning midday:

You were just the aroma of the cereals that I love.

Maybe I saw you, I supposed you in passing raising a cup

in Angola, in the light of the June moon,

or were you the waist of that guitar

that I played in the darkness and it sounded like the sea beyond measure.

I loved you without my knowing it, and I searched for your memory.

In the empty houses I entered with a lantern to steal your portrait.

But I already knew what it was. Suddenly

while you were with me I touched you and my life stopped:

in front of my eyes you were, reigning me, and queens.

Like fire in the woods, fire is your kingdom.

A poem that deals with the memory of love, a love that, possibly, is not reciprocated. You can continue to love despite time and distance, you can be in love without seeing, only with memories and hope. It is the strength of the heart.

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

Smile, dream, cry, love, share, and live!

Smile, dream, cry, love, share, and live!

Although life hits you, although not all sunrises are beautiful, even if you close the doors.
Because dreaming does not cost anything and relieves the thought, because perhaps your dream can be fulfilled, because dreaming makes you happier.
CRY ...
Because crying purifies the soul and soothes the heart, because the anguish decreases, because each tear is a purpose to improve the existence.
LOVE ...
Because to love is to live, because if you love, you will receive love, because it is better to love and suffer, than to suffer for never having loved.
Because when you share more, because the pains, shared, diminish, and the joys double.
Smile, dream, cry, love, share, and live.


Dale vida a tus sueños – Mario Benedetti

Dale vida a los sueños que alimentan el alma,

no los confundas nunca con realidades vanas.

Y aunque tu mente sienta necesidad, humana,

de conseguir las metas y de escalar montañas,

nunca rompas tus sueños, porque matas el alma.


Dale vida a tus sueños aunque te llamen loco,

no los dejes que mueran de hastío, poco a poco,

no les rompas las alas, que son de fantasía,

y déjalos que vuelen contigo en compañía.


Dale vida a tus sueños y, con ellos volando,

tocarás las estrellas y el viento, susurrando,

te contará secretos que para ti ha guardado

y sentirás el cuerpo con caricias, bañado,

del alma que despierta para estar a tu lado.


Dale vida a los sueños que tienes escondidos,

descubrirás que puedes vivir estos momentos

con los ojos abiertos y los miedos dormidos,

con los ojos cerrados y los sueños despiertos

Mario Benedetti

lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

Sueña como si fueras a vivir para siempre, vive como si fueras a morir hoy

Los grandes espíritus siempre han
 tenido que luchar contra la oposición
 feroz de mentes mediocres.”





domingo, 15 de abril de 2018

The stars are your eyes, and the wind is your voice,

*** The stars are your eyes, and the wind is your voice, the morning is your smile and the autumn your tears.
The storm is your anger and the cry of a child is your pain. The rainbow your tenderness and the bird in your honor flew.
Night your nostalgia, the fire of your heat.
The earth is your walk that together with the cocoon of cotton makes you walk.
Your silence compares it as the desert in the morning. I close my eyes and remember the rocks facing the sea. I just want to be part of you, like the sun in flowers. Give me a garden and your hands are water that feeds my thirst. Be that shooting star, lonely, beautiful, but do not be a passenger. Shine every night in my honor, kiss my forehead tonight and wake me up when the sun goes down.
I feel that I do not tell you anything, but at the same time I give you everything.
I want to light the fire in your soul and let the wind be your breath. That dances barefoot on the water, laughing, feeling, enjoying, delirious with joy and emotion.
Accompany you to look for the horizon and that the color of your lips draw a smile on my face ".
Do not leave without me, take me and enter my world ... here ... no one will hurt you, I will protect you, I will take care of you ... but do not leave, without me, ... firefly at sunset.
Published Luciernaga.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2018


Es muy tarde para prender el fuego?
Es el otoño el fin de la jornada?
Es que las almas se marchitan luego,
cuando la sien se tiene plateada? 

El amor se sujeta a vencimiento,
y si pasa, no vuelve a renacer?
No es acaso como una luz de adviento
que cualquier día volverá a nacer?

Yo renuncio de tales argumentos 
aúnque marche hacia mi sol poniente,
no se pueden marcar los sentimientos
porque nacen del alma solamente.

Hay una flor muy bella y reluciente,
es muy linda, se llama pensamiento;
 es el amor la flor más floreciente 
y es para el alma el mas dulce cimiento