sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018



Que se prenda la luna de azul maravilla.
Que se prende la noche
 con tu cuerpo mujer desnuda.
Azul de la alcoba ...,
azul de la aurora ...,
que el amor me encienda ...,
esta noche azul ...,
 bella desnuda.

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018



Hagamos un trato

Un poema irresistible para confesar un amor desinteresado.
Compañera usted sabe que puede contar conmigo, no hasta dos o hasta diez, sino contar conmigo.
Si alguna vez advierte que a los ojos la miro y una veta de amor reconoce en los míos, no alerte sus fusiles, ni piense que deliro.
A pesar de esa veta de amor desprevenido, usted sabe que puede contar conmigo.
Pero hagamos un trato nada definitivo, yo quisiera contar con usted.
Es tan lindo saber que usted existe, uno se siente vivo.
Quiero decir contar hasta dos hasta cinco, no ya para que acuda presurosa en mi auxilio, sino para saber y así quedar tranquilo, que usted sabe que puede contar conmigo.

Resultado de imagen para IMAGEN DE TACTICA Y ESTRATEGIA

Enamorarse y no

Cuando uno se enamora las cuadrillas del tiempo se escalan en el olvido, se desangran se llenan de milagros, se asustan en la muerte y se mueren en la venta de su cueva.
Enamorarse es una presagio gratis, una ventana abierta al árbol nuevo, una proeza de los sentimientos, una bonanza casi insoportable y un ejercicio contra el infortunio.
Por el contrario desenamorarse es el cuerpo como es y no como la otra mirada lo inventaba, es regresar más pobre al viejo enigma y dar con la tristeza en el espejo.

Te quiero

Del poemario "Poemas del alma" escrito en 1956, en tiempos de la dictadura uruguaya. Para una relación sólida, positiva y llena de complicidad.
Tus manos son mi caricia, mis acordes cotidianos, te quiero porque tus manos trabajan por la justicia.
Si te quiero, porque mi amor, mi cómplice y todo y en la calle, codo a codo, somos mucho más que dos.
Tus ojos son mi conjuro contra la mala jornada, te quiero por tu mirada que mira y siembra futuro.
Tu boca es tuya y mía, tu boca no se equivoca, te quiero porque tu boca sabe gritar rebeldía.
Si te quiero, porque mi amor, mi cómplice y todo y en la calle, codo a codo somos mucho más que dos.
Y por tu rostro sincero y tu paso vagabundo y tu llanto por el mundo, porque sos pueblo te quiero.
Y porque amor no es aureola, ni cándida moraleja y porque somos pareja que sabe que no está sola.
Te quiero en mi paraíso, es decir que en mi país la gente viva feliz aunque no tienes permiso.
Si te quiero, porque mi amor, mi cómplice y todo y en la calle, codo a codo, somos mucho más que dos.
Poema de Mario Benedetti, Te Quiero

Chau número tres

Te dejo con tu vida, tu trabajo, tu gente, con tus puestas de sol y tus amaneceres sembrando tu confianza.
Te dejo junto al mundo derrotando imposibles, segura sin seguro.
Te dejo frente al mar descifrándote sola, sin mi pregunta a ciegas, sin mi respuesta rota.
Te dejo sin mis dudas pobres y malheridas, sin mis inmadureces, sin mi veteranía.
Pero tampoco creas a pie juntillas todo, no creas nunca creas este falso abandono.
Estaré donde menos lo esperes, por ejemplo en un árbol añoso de oscuros cabeceos.
Estaré en un lejano horizonte sin horas, en la huella del tacto, en tu sombra y mi sombra.
Estaré repartido en cuatro o cinco pibes, de esos que vos mirás y enseguida te siguen.
Y ojalá pueda estar de tu sueño en la red, esperando tus ojos y

 Imagen relacionada

Rostro de vos

Un poema para noches de añoranza y melancolía, cuando la distancia nos separa.
Tengo una soledad tan concurrida, tan llena de nostalgias y de rostros de vos.
De adioses hace tiempo y besos bienvenidos, de primeras de cambio y de último vagón.
Tengo una soledad tan concurrida que puedo organizarla como una procesión, por colores, tamaños y promesas. Por época, por tacto y por sabor.
Sin temblor de más me abrazo a tus ausencias, que asisten y me asisten con mi rostro de vos.
Estoy lleno de sombras de noches y deseos, de risas y de alguna maldición.
Mis huéspedes concurren, concurren como sueños con sus rencores nuevos, su falta de candor.
Yo les pongo una escoba tras la puerta, porque quiero estar solo con mi rostro de vos.
Pero el rostro de vos mira a otra parte, con sus ojos de amor que ya no aman.
Como víveres que buscan su hambre, miran y miran y apagan mi jornada.
Las paredes se van, queda la noche, las nostalgias se van, no queda nada.
Ya mi rostro de vos cierra los ojos y es una soledad tan desolada.
Imagen relacionada

Piedritas en la ventana

De vez en cuando la alegría tira piedritas contra mi ventana.
Quiere avisarme que está ahí esperando, pero me siento calmo casi diría ecuánime.
Voy a guardar la angustia en un escondite y luego a tenderme cara al techo, que es una posición gallarda y cómoda para filtrar noticias y creerlas.
Quién sabe dónde quedan mis próximas huellas ni cuándo mi historia va a ser computada, quién sabe qué consejos voy a inventar aún y qué atajo hallaré para no seguirlos.
Está bien no jugaré al desahucio, no tatuaré el recuerdo con olvidos, mucho queda por decir y callar y también quedan uvas para llenar la boca.
Está bien me doy por persuadido que la alegría no tire más piedritas, abriré la ventana, abriré la ventana.


Lo que necesito de ti

El primer paso para la reconquista, si te han dado calabazas.
No sabes cómo necesito tu voz, necesito tus miradas y aquellas palabras que siempre me llenaban, necesito tu paz interior, necesito la luz de tus labios.
¡Ya no puedo... seguir así!
...Ya... No puedo, mi mente no quiere pensar, no puede pensar nada más que en ti.
Necesito la flor de tus manos, aquella paciencia de todos tus actos.
Con aquella justicia que me inspiras, para lo que siempre fue mi espina, mi fuente de vida se ha secado con la fuerza del olvido...
Me estoy quemando, aquello que necesito ya lo he encontrado, pero aun...

¡Te sigo extrañando!

Resultado de imagen para imagen de lo que necesito de ti benedetti. IMAGEN QUE SE PUEDA COPIAR

Por siempre

Poema para un amor eterno.
Si la esmeralda se opacara, si el oro perdiera su color, entonces, se acabaría nuestro amor.
Si el sol no calentara, si la luna no existiera, entonces, no tendría sentido vivir en esta tierra, como tampoco tendría sentido vivir sin mi vida, la mujer de mis sueños, la que me da la alegría...
Si el mundo no girara o el tiempo no existiese, entonces, jamás moriría, tampoco nuestro amor...
Pero el tiempo no es necesario, nuestro amor es eterno, no necesitamos del sol de la luna o los astros para seguir amándonos...
Si la vida fuera otra y la muerte llegase, entonces, te amaría hoy, mañana... por siempre... todavía.
Resultado de imagen para imagen por siempre
Corazón coraza

Porque te tengo y no
porque te pienso
porque la noche está de ojos abiertos
porque la noche pasa y digo amor
porque has venido a recoger tu imagen
y eres mejor que todas tus imágenes
porque eres linda desde el pie hasta el alma
porque eres buena desde el alma a mí
porque te escondes dulce en el orgullo
pequeña y dulce
corazón coraza

porque eres mía
porque no eres mía
porque te miro y muero
y peor que muero
si no te miro amor
si no te miro

porque tú siempre existes dondequiera
pero existes mejor donde te quiero
porque tu boca es sangre
y tienes frío
tengo que amarte amor
tengo que amarte
aunque esta herida duela como dos
aunque te busque y no te encuentre
y aunque
la noche pase y yo te tenga
y no.
Imagen relacionada

Arco iris

A veces
por supuesto
usted sonríe
y no importa lo linda
o lo fea
lo vieja
o lo joven
lo mucho
o lo poco
que usted realmente

cual si fuese
una revelación
y su sonrisa anula
todas las anteriores
caducan al instante
sus rostros como máscaras sus ojos duros
como espejos en óvalo
su boca de morder
su mentón de capricho
sus pómulos fragantes
sus párpados
su miedo

y usted nace
asume el mundo
sin mirar

y a lo mejor
si la sonrisa viene
de muy
de muy adentro
usted puede llorar
sin desgarrarse
sin desesperarse
sin convocar la muerte
ni sentirse vacía

sólo llorar
entonces su sonrisa
si todavía existe...
se vuelve un arco iris.
Imagen relacionada

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018



Emerge your memory of the night I am.
The river knots its stubborn lament to the sea.

Abandoned like the wharves at dawn.
It's time to go, oh abandoned!

Cold corollas wash over my heart.
Oh pit of debris, fierce cave of castaways!

In you, wars and flights have accumulated.
The singing birds lifted their wings from you.

You swallowed everything, like distance.
Like the sea, like time. Everything in you was

It was the happy hour of assault and the kiss.
The hour of stupor that burned like a beacon.

Pilot anxiety, blind diver's fury,
murky drunkenness of love, everything in you was shipwreck!

In the foggy childhood my soul winged and wounded.
Discoverer lost, everything in you was shipwreck!

You gird yourself with pain, you clung to desire.
The sadness knocked you down, everything in you was shipwrecked!

I pushed back the shadow wall,
I went beyond desire and act.

Oh flesh, my flesh, woman that I loved and lost,
to you in this humid hour, I evoke and make song.

Like a glass, you held the infinite tenderness,
and the infinite forgetfulness shattered you like a glass.

It was the black, black solitude of the islands,
and there, woman of love, your arms welcomed me.

It was thirst and hunger, and you were the fruit.
It was the duel and the ruins, and you were the miracle.

Oh woman, I do not know how you could restrain me
in the land of your soul, and in the cross of your arms!

My wish for you was the most terrible and short,
the most upset and drunk, the tightest and most avid.

Kissing cemetery, there is still fire in your graves,
even the clusters burn pecked of birds.

Oh the bitten mouth, oh the kissed limbs,
oh the hungry teeth, oh the braided bodies.

Oh the crazy copulation of hope and effort
in which we knot and despair.

And the tenderness, light as water and flour.
And the word barely started on the lips.

That was my destiny and in it my longing traveled,
and in him my longing fell, everything in you was shipwreck!

Oh bilge of rubble, in you everything fell,
what pain you did not squeeze, what waves did not drown you.

From billow to billow you still called and sang
Standing like a sailor in the bow of a ship.

You still flourished in songs, you still broke in currents.
Oh bilge of rubble, well open and bitter.

Pale blind diver, hapless slinger,
Discoverer lost, everything in you was shipwreck!

It's time to leave, the hard and cold hour
that the night is subject to all schedules.

The rustling belt of the sea girdles the shore.
Cold stars emerge, black birds migrate.

Abandoned like the wharves at dawn.
Only tremulous shadow twists in my hands.

Oh beyond all. Oh beyond all.

It's time to go. Oh abandoned!



Inclined in the afternoon I throw my sad nets
to your oceanic eyes.

There it stretches and burns in the highest bonfire
my loneliness that turns my arms like a castaway.

I make red signals on your absent eyes
They smell like the sea at the edge of a lighthouse.

You only keep darkness, distant female and mine,
from your eyes sometimes emerges the coast of terror.

Inclined in the afternoons I throw my sad nets
to that sea that shakes your ocean eyes.

Night birds peck the first stars
They sparkle like my soul when I love you.

Gallop the night in his somber mare
scattering blue spikes on the field.

When you sing of happiness, she will get angry *

* When you sing of happiness, she will get angry *

When the day is long and
Night is your loneliness
When you're sure you've had enough
From this life, then resist ...
Do not let go
Because we all cry
And everyone feels some pain ...
If you feel that you are moving away, that there is nothing good,
that is too much ...,! Y
  that your day is like a night
Always a firefly will enlighten you and take care of you.
And she will leave, when it's time for you to sing of happiness.

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018





The man who does not know how to keep quiet while watching you

You will never be able to walk in the night

Nor embrace the angels

The man who does not know how to forget his fears

You will not be able to smile at the hungry and sad women

And we will never understand the tenderness

Neither the violent and fierce caress

What can it wrap

And continue to feed a finished love

Antonio Marín Segovia

True life forces us to die daily

Surrounded by words and broken looks

The mountains awaken us

Far from the secrets that surround your words

And there is no river that needs voices and looks

To be clean and endless

Like a child's dream

The morning of your joy is hungry

And life looks at us to forget us

Making death die

In each step

In all breathing

Antonio Marín Segovia

Today I felt that the sun does not have to be

And the dreams accompany me

To know that I can not keep walking

Without your look and your smiles wait for me

At dusk

In our house

Always so full of clean mirrors

And of unexpected tenderness

There is a wall full of young ivy

At the end of the street

And deep inside our hearts

That protects us from so many silly words

And of so many fears and almost new lies

Antonio Marín Segovia

'Closed looks'

They close their eyes when kissing

And all the mirrors disappear

Your mouth becomes a garden

When looking at us

The world is reborn

Without laws or gods

Not a word

Not a silence

Not a dream

Nothing is necessary

If I can feel your blood

If I can live your love

Antonio Marín Segovia

I look you in the eye when you wake up

And I can not find the door of your heart

My mountains and forests are no longer my hands

That they were filled with fierce summers

And crazy dreams when looking at you

Well now I am unable to pronounce your name

Today my heart is so transparent

Like all your silent lies

And your mouth will no longer be able to undress

With my light

With my big boy laughs

Antonio Marín Segovia

I feel perfect when your hands look at me

And they understand my sadness

Of young river

It's good to be able to feel your warmth

And live within that look

Softly fierce

It's good to grow up with you

Every time you forget me

Every time you understand me

And I am real and mountain conquered

When your mouth names me

I feel perfect

When your hands look at me

And they understand my sadness of young river


I really need to say your name out loud

And eat in your belly in all the tired stars

What mischievous angels hide

Today I want

Walk inside your dreams

To believe that we are so big

So eternal

Like a smile

Or like the midday bread

And the wine that bathes our faces

And it's good to have no words

No rests

No shelters

To be able to feel whole

Surely you are always free

And so invisible and necessary

How is the light of summer

Antonio Marín Segovia

I do not need the hand of God

And the permission of those who kill

To be able to cross the abyss

To travel at the end of the night

I do not need a ticket

Well, we're all erased

Dead and full of ash and wind

We have stolen the words and the waves

We have ripped out the shadows and the color

From hugs

There are no fields or infinities

Cuddle in that mouth

And in the fire that opens in the bodies

Naked with a hundred withered summers

Now you do not have to be a child again

To be free and to be able to laugh

Every time I breathe naked

How calm and clean my eyes feel

When my mouth is lost in your back

Well, I know it's you

The only one who can feel what really

It grows in me when nobody can see me

sábado, 18 de agosto de 2018



Ha despertado la aurora,
trayendo el resplandor de los primeros rayos del sol
que viene a disculparse por su ausencia
del día anterior.
El horizonte se llena de alegría
mostrando su cara más sonriente.,
aumentando así con ansias mis locos deseos
por tenerte siempre entre mis brazos.
Estoy con mi soledad esperando con vehemencia,
los besos de tu ardiente boca
y la distancia llena de oscuridad,
cuando mis pensamientos se atropellan en mi memoria
mientras la esperanza es solo una imagen confusa,
que me regresa al pasado que tanto ansío olvidar
siento que nada del pasado me pertenece,
y escondo mi congoja para no llorar.

El desdén y el desamor me arrebatan,
me arrebatan la ilusión de todos mis sueños
la ausencia se acerca más haciendo crecer mi espera,
no hay espacio en el tiempo para este amor
que esta viendo la pasión a la bandolera.

** The burning candle always brings memories

** The burning candle always brings memories ... to my heart awakened by an uncertain love.

The wild flowers sing the lost illusion ... of inter-linked love that shines warmly ... the candle of my song although
 it appears gloom ...**!

Dreams and fantasy. ** I want to be ... A firefly **

Dreams and fantasy.
** I want to be ... A firefly **

To shine in the night of misunderstood loves.
To silence the voices that stun the heart.
To build another day of happiness.
For those who live in darkness.

To caress those who fight during the day.
So that those who are dying may be reborn.
For those insensible hearts to feel them
To sweeten the lips of the bitter. **
To unite people ...
"And tell them I'm a little Luciernaga"

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018



as in the fresh stone
from the spring, the water
opens a wide lightning of foam,
that's the smile on your face,

of thin hands and thin feet
like a silver horse,
walking, flower of the world,
so I see you,

with a matted copper nest
in your head, a nest
dark honey color
where my heart burns and rests,

you do not fit the eyes in the face,
you do not fit your eyes on the earth.
There are countries, there are rivers
in your eyes,
my country is in your eyes,
I walk for them,
they give light to the world
where I walk,

your breasts are like two loaves made
of cereal ground and golden moon,

your waist
my arm made it like a river when
A thousand years passed for your sweet body,

There's nothing like your hips,
maybe the earth has
in some hidden place
the curve and aroma of your body,
maybe somewhere,

Bella, my beautiful,
your voice, your skin, your nails
beautiful, my beautiful,
your being, your light, your shadow,
all that is mine, beautiful,
all that is mine, mine,
when you walk or lay,
when you sing or sleep,
when you suffer or dream,
when you are near or far away,
You are mine, my beauty,

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018



Be firm in your attitudes and
persevering in your ideal.
But be patient, not pretending
everything comes to you immediately.
Make time for everything, and everything
what is yours will come to your hands
in an opportune moment.

Learn to wait for the exact moment
to receive the benefits you claim.
Wait patiently for the fruits to ripen
to be able to properly appreciate its sweetness.
Do not be a slave to the past
and the sad memories.
Do not stir a wound that is scarred.
Do not remember old sorrows and sufferings.
What happened happened!
From now on, try to build
a new life, directed towards the top
and walk forward, without looking back.
Do as the sun that is born every day,
without remembering the night that happened.
Just contemplate the goal
and do not see how hard it is to reach it.
Do not stop at the bad you've done;
Walk in the good that you can do.
Do not blame yourself for what you did,
rather, decide to change.
Do not try to change others;
be responsible for your own life
and try to change you.
Let love touch you
and do not defend yourself from him.
Live every day, take advantage of the past for good
and let the future reach its time.

Do not suffer for what is coming, remember that
"every day has its own desire"
Find someone to share
your struggles towards freedom;
a person who understands you,
support you and accompany you in it.
If your happiness and your life
they depend on another person,
get rid of her and love her,
without asking anything in return.
Learn to look at yourself with love and respect,
Think of yourself as something precious.
Scatter everywhere
the joy that is inside you.
May your joy be contagious
and live to expel sadness
of all those around you.
Joy is a ray of light
that must always remain on,
illuminating all our acts
and serving as a guide to all
those who come to us.
If there is light inside and you leave open
the windows of your soul,
by means of joy, all those who pass
down the street in darkness,
they will be illuminated by your light.
Work is synonymous with nobility.

Do not despise work
what you have to do in life.
Work ennobles those
They do it with enthusiasm and love.
There are no humble jobs.
They only distinguish themselves by being
well or badly made.
Give value to your work,
fulfilling it with love and affection
and so you will value yourself.
God has created us to realize a dream.
Let's live for it, let's try to achieve it.
Let's put life in it and
if we realize that we can not,
maybe then we need to do
a stop along the way and experience
a radical change in our lives.
So, with another aspect, with other possibilities
and with the grace of God, we will do it.
Do not give up,
think that if God has given you life,
it's because he knows that you can with her.
Success in life is not measured
for what you have achieved,
but because of the obstacles that you have had
what to face on the road
You and only you choose the way
in which you will affect the hearts of others
and those decisions are what life is about.
"May this day be the best of your life to achieve your dreams"