sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020

POEM, With chaste heart, with eyes cigars,... Accompanied by a selection of artistic nudes.

With chaste heart, with eyes

I celebrate you, beauty,
holding blood
to emerge and follow
the line, your outline,
that you lie in my ode
as in forest land or foam:
in earthy aroma
or in marine music.

Bella naked,
your arched feet
by an old blow
of wind or sound
that your ears
minimum conch shells
from the splendid American sea.
The same are your breasts
of parallel fullness, full
by the light of life,
the same are
your wheat eyelids
that discover
or close
Two countries deep in your eyes.

The line that your back
has divided
in pale regions
is lost and arises
in two smooth halves
of Apple
and keep separating
your beauty
in two columns
Burnt gold, fine alabaster,
to get lost on your feet like two grapes,
from where it burns and rises again
the double tree of your symmetry,
flowery fire, open candlestick,
turgent erect fruit
on the covenant of the sea and the earth.

Your body, in what matter,
agate, quartz, wheat,
was shaped, went up
as bread rises
of the temperature,
and pointed hills
single-petal valleys, sweeties
deep velvet,
until curdled
the fine and firm feminine form

Not only is light falling
about the world
the one that lengthens in your body
its suffocated snow,
but it follows
from you the clarity as if you were
lit inside.

Under your skin the moon lives...

Accompanied by a selection of artistic nudes.

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