domingo, 4 de abril de 2021

Preliminary fear Above the alunadas terraces where cats cautiously love each other and the glitters avoid the chimneys, MARIO BENEDETTI.


Preliminary fear

Above the alunadas terraces

where cats cautiously love each other

and the glitters avoid the chimneys

I think nobody knows what I know tonight

something learned bit and beat

and that integrates my modest traditional panic

How to placidly crumble fear

finally understand that it is not an excuse

but a chill akin to enjoyment

only that very bitter and if mitigating?

suicides have no problem about it

they decide to defeat themselves and sometimes they get it

they go into fear like in a canoe

without oars and heading towards a waterfall

are the discoverers of relief

but peace lasts a thousandth

homicides don't care much either

limit fear to a conjuncture

They draw the rage or they pull the trigger

and everything is thus simplified and stiff

but the rest or the ones who come, but the others or the ones who come

pulled by wonder

and haunted by horror

the others or the buddies of doubt

the naive the irresponsible

the violent ones but not so much

the quiet ones but not much

the deportees in good faith

those in need of joy

the walking and the troubled

the omissions of the avant-garde

the backward of the glimpse

what will we do with e

he mundsino besiege him with skirmishes

crumble it with your nails

snuff it out

dismantle it to nibbles

tear it to shreds with your eyes

account for him with love

strangle him..

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