jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018



You sweet and serene woman
with your goddess silhouette
and your loving gaze
Your brown skin is soft.

You my beautiful mermaid
that in the seas you inhabit
with your beauty you incite
and love you is my condemnation.

When the sea emerges
its exquisite figure
you see all your beauty
my soul in it submerges.

And with your melodious singing
you fill my life with calm
refuge are for my soul
in a delicious awakening.


I have decided to dream

   I  have decided to dream

I have decided to dream

sigh, live, Siii ... Together you ..
I have dreams to have you together with me, and be happy,
to know that in my conscience I have recorded your hugs,
that you look for me, that alive, that breathed, that alive there you love me ..

possibly our separen the distance, oceans, or time,
that our souls s'abrazan, feel, get desire and love,
no one likes God, Our Heart, Destiny, Or love,
no if you conscience know how many centuries I have loved you.

today I understood many things that I wanted to know about you and me,
have you so close to me in a magical and extraordinary way,
for the serious strange human, but nevertheless it is divine and magical,
I had never felt so much like now even in the distance,

every morning that the sun rises,
I give thanks to God for our love,
because I see in the universe you look at me, and embrace me,
today I chose not to dream, but makes is feeling a reality,
There is no doubt that this is the best place to be.

You must know that you are my as if you are kissing the soul,
as the sunlight will enter in my heart,
I close my eyes and how I feel in this moment,
your caresses embrace me and kiss my soul



martes, 29 de mayo de 2018


In October of 1938 he travels to Mar del Plata. He sent two letters to his son and a farewell poem to the newspaper "La Nación".

OH MAR, huge sea, fierce heart
Of unequal rhythm, bad heart,
I'm softer than that poor stick
That rots in your prisoner waves.

Oh sea, give me your tremendous anger,
I spent my life forgiving,
Because I understood, mar, I left giving:
"Piety, pity for the one who most offends."

Vulgarity, vulgarity haunts me.
Oh, they bought me the city and the man.
Make me have your anger without a name:
I am already tired of this pink mission.

Do you see the vulgar? That vulgar saddens me,
I'm short of breath and where I lack,
I would like to not understand, but I can not:
It's the vulgarity that poisons me.

I was impoverished because understanding overwhelms,
I was impoverished because understanding suffocates,
Blessed the strength of the rock!
I've got the heart like foam.

Mar, I dreamed to be like you are,
There in the afternoons that my life
Under the warm hours it opened ...
Oh, I dreamed to be like you are.

Look at me here, little one, miserable,
All pain overcomes me, all sleep;
Mar, give me, give me the ineffable commitment
To become arrogant, unattainable.

Give me your salt, your iodine, your fierceness,
Sea air! ... Oh tempest, oh anger!
Unhappy with me, I am a caltrop,
And I die, sea, I succumb in my poverty.

And my soul is like the sea, is that,
Ah, the city rots and mistakes
Small life that pain provokes,
May I free myself of its weight!

Fly my determination, my hope fly ...
My life must have been horrible,
It must have been an irrepressible artery
And it's just a scar that always hurts



(1892/05/29 - 1938/10/25)


lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018

I loved you, I love you and I will love you. Manolo Galván (Letter)

I loved you, I love you and I will love you. Manolo Galván (Letter)

I loved you, I love you and I will love you. Manolo Galván (Letter).

Serene as a summer sky holding out her hand
He told me that there are paths with thorns that damage lives
that you no longer need my words that you want to walk
his life already without me and I discover that my pride was
lie and again with my tears I said:
I loved you I love you I love you, in the way that you
You want me to love you and there's nothing, no one,
There will be something that can make me think
otherwise. You tell me to leave and I leave.
but my soul will live in your room.
I told you, I tell you and I'll tell you.
I love you more than anyone and I will love you in the way
that you want me to love you
serene as a summer sky offering your hand,
you told me I want to walk another path that is the
The beginning of a life without your love.
and I discover that my pride was a lie and again
with my tears I told you this:
I loved you, I love you I love you the way you
you want me to love you
and there is nothing and no one nor will there be that can
to think in another way. think differently
You tell me to leave and I leave but my soul
will live in your room.
I told you, I tell you and I'll tell you, I love you more
no one and I will love you the way you want me to love you
I d

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

THE POEMS OF CAMPOS DE CASTILLA -The arrow --To a dry elm tree

The arrow

Who lends me a ladder,
to climb the wood
to remove the nails
to Jesus the Nazarene?
Popular arrow

Oh the arrow, the singing
to the Christ of the gypsies,
always with blood on the hands
always to unlock!
Song of the Andalusian people
that all the springs
he's asking for stairs
to climb the cross!
Sing of my land,
that flowers
to the Jesus of agony,
and it is the faith of my elders!
Oh, you are not my singing!
I can not sing, I do not want to,
to that Jesus of the wood,
but to the one who walked in the sea!


To a dry elm tree

The old elm, split by lightning
and in its rotten half,
with the April rains and the May sun
some green leaves have come out.

The centennial elm on the hill
what licks the Duero! A yellowish moss
it smudges the white bark
to the rotten and dusty trunk.

It will not be, as the singing poplars
that guard the road and the riverbank,
inhabited by brown nightingales.

Army of ants in a row
it is climbing through it, and in its entrails
the spiders gray their gray fabrics.

Before you go down, elm of the Duero,
with his ax the woodcutter, and the carpenter
turn you into bell hair,
carriage spear or cart yoke;
before red at home, tomorrow,
ardas of some miserable house,
on the edge of a road;
before I unravel a whirlwind
and crush the breath of the white saws;
before the river to the sea pushes you
by valleys and ravines,
elm, I want to write in my portfolio
the grace of your green branch.
My heart waits
also, towards the light and towards life,
Another miracle of spring.



The sad sea

A sea of steel with gray waves throbs
inside the rough greyish walls
of the old port. The north wind blows
and ripples the sea. The sad sea lulls
a bitter illusion with its gray waves.
The north wind ripples the sea, and the sea lashes
the port wall.
The horizon closes the afternoon
anubarrado. On the sea of steel
There is a heaven of lead.
The red brig is a ghost
bloody, on the sea, that the sea shakes ...
Loudly hums the north wind and whistles sad
in the bitter lyre of the strong rigging.
The red brig is a ghost
that the wind shakes and rocks the curly sea,
the rough sea curled with gray waves.

A sea of steel with gray waves throbs
inside the rough greyish walls
of the old port. The north wind blows
and ripples the sea. The sad sea lulls
a bitter illusion with its gray waves.
The north wind ripples the sea, and the sea lashes
the port wall.

The horizon closes the afternoon
anubarrado. On the sea of steel
There is a heaven of lead.
The red brig is a ghost
bloody, on the sea, that the sea shakes ...
Loudly hums the north wind and whistles sad
in the bitter lyre of the strong rigging.
The red brig is a ghost
that the wind shakes and rocks the curly sea,
the rough sea curled with gray waves.

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Evangelio del día 266 de Mayo-2018-Reflexionado. Lectura del santo evangelio según san Marcos 10,13-16

Evangelio del día 266 de Mayo-2018-Reflexionado.   Lectura del santo evangelio según san Marcos 10,13-16

En aquel tiempo, le acercaban a Jesús niños para que los tocara, pero los discípulos les regañaban.
Al verlo, Jesús se enfadó y les dijo: «Dejad que los niños se acerquen a mí: no se lo impidáis; de los que son como ellos es el reino de Dios. Os aseguro que el que no acepte el reino de Dios como un niño, no entrará en él.»
Y los abrazaba y los bendecía imponiéndoles las manos.

Reflexión del Evangelio de hoy

Oración intensa

Hoy Santiago nos exhorta a perseverar en la oración y a ser pacientes para que, “viviendo con los pies en la tierra” «aspiremos a los bienes de arriba y no a los de la tierra.» Es decir nos exhorta a abandonarnos en las manos de Dios siempre y en cada momento, poniendo de nuestra parte lo que está a nuestro alcance para no caer en la presunción, dejando espacio libre, en la programación de nuestra vida, a la Voluntad de Dios. Porque sólo Él conoce en qué consiste y cuál es nuestro verdadero bien.
Jesús lo logró a la perfección. Él supo unir diálogo y comunicación con el Padre, contemplación e intensa oración, con la prosecución enérgica de la justicia y santidad del Reino de Dios: anunciando la Buena Nueva con denuncia profética, sanando y liberando al hombre, especialmente a los más necesitados, de lo que les esclaviza.
Si, como Cristo, nos abrimos  a Dios en la oración y en la contemplación, no nos desentenderemos del mundo, aunque vivamos en soledad, sino que amaremos  a nuestros hermanos con gran intensidad. Por ello tendremos hambre y sed de justicia, de amor y de fraternidad, de reconocimiento de la dignidad de todo hombre, sobre todo de los más humildes, los “vencidos” por el egoísmo de los que deberíamos ser sus hermanos.
Nuestra oración y experiencia de Dios serán auténticas cuando llevemos la oración a la vida, y la vida a la oración, en fecunda relación mutua. Así lo hicieron los grandes orantes ( hoy Santiago nos lo dice de Elías): “tocaron” el misterio de Dios.
La soledad en la oración es apertura máxima a Dios, porque toda verdadera soledad supone un corazón que sabe abrirse a la vida fraterna, a toda vida en comunión, diferenciándose claramente del aislamiento provocado por el egoísmo neurótico.
La oración no nos separa de la vida y de sus problemas, sino que nos da la energía que necesitamos para transformar la realidad de nuestra vida en alabanza y gloria de Dios ayudándonos, como decíamos al pricipio, a “vivir con los pies en la tierra” «aspirando a los bienes de arriba.»

Recibir el Reino como un niño

Hoy San Marcos quiere hacernos caer en la cuenta de la viva conciencia que tiene Jesús de la radical novedad de su mensaje, invitándonos a permanecer abiertos a la novedad de la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo: «Quien no reciba el Reino de Dios como un niño no entrará en él»
Jesús nos dice que, para recibir el Amor de Dios y Su Reino de salvación, nuestra vida debe ser como la de los niños: humilde, sencilla, receptiva,  gratuita.
Sí, los niños nos enseñan a recibir el Reino de Dios sin ponerle condiciones, sin exigir nada, con la conciencia de que recibimos lo que no merecemos, pero que a Dios Padre le ha parecido bien regalárnoslo, porque ante el Reino de Dios no tenemos, ni podemos hacer nada, que valga su merecimiento.
La acogida de Jesús a los niños nos muestra que debemos vivir reconociéndonos dependientes de Dios, pobres de espíritu y necesitados de su amor y de su gracia,  y, también, necesitados de la ayuda de nuestros hermanos en nuestro camino de seguimiento de Cristo,  con la confianza incondicional que los niños  tienen, para recibirlo todo de buena gana, sin poner “peros”.
Debemos poner toda la atención en aquello que recibimos y en lo que tenemos entre manos, como hacen los niños, que tienen los ojos abiertos para ver, y las manos tendidas para recibir con asombro. Dios se nos revela con imprevisible novedad, con asombrosa cercanía siempre nueva y siempre creadora, orientándonos hacia el futuro, porque es la actitud más humana y completa para abrirnos a Él sin reserva y, dar cabida al Reino de Dios en nuestra vida.
Una vez que aceptemos el Reino de Dios como un niño, entraremos en él, y será entonces cuando culmine en nosotros la infancia espiritual que, lejos de ser ñoñería infantil es: vivir con madurez responsable ante Dios y en nuestro propio ambiente.
Como hizo San Felipe Neri, cuya memoria celebramos hoy, dirijamos nuestra mirada confiada a María, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra, y pidámosle que con su materno amor nos acompañe siempre y nos sostenga en nuestro caminar hacia el Reino de Dios..

Jorge González - Necesito poder respirar @ Teatro Caupolicán [DVD]

Looking at the stars

Looking at the stars

I understood that love has a million turns ...
That sometimes surprises us. It gives us happiness, and sometimes it transforms into the worst that there is.
Looking at one of them, I grew a little more.
I learned to smile, and to see reality. Looking at one of them, I could see the truth.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

MY wild Neruda GIRL. , we had that recover time

MY wild Neruda GIRL.
, we had
that recover time
and march backwards, in the distance

of our lives, kiss to kiss,
picking up from a site what we gave
without joy, discovering in another
the secret way
that was bringing your feet closer to mine,
and so under my mouth
you see the unsatisfied plant again
of your life extending its roots
to my heart that awaited you.
And one by one the nights
between our separate cities
they add to the night that unites us.
The light of every day,
its flame or its rest
they deliver us, taking them out of time,
and so it digs up
in the shadow or light our treasure,
and so kiss our kisses life:
all love in our love is enclosed:
all thirst ends in our embrace.
Here we are at last face to face,
we've found eachother,
we have not lost anything.
We have gone from lip to lip,
we have changed a thousand times
between us death and life,
everything we brought
like dead medals
we throw it to the bottom of the sea,
everything we learned
It did not help us:
We start again,
we finish again
death and life.
And here we survive,
pure, with the purity that we create,
wider than the earth that could not mislead us,
eternal as the fire that will burn
how long life lasts.

Love poem Serrat Joan Manuel

Love poem
Serrat Joan Manuel

The sun forgot us yesterday on the sand,
the gentle murmur of the sea enveloped us,
Your body gave me warmth,
I was cold,
and there, in the sand,
between the two was born this poem,
this poor love poem
for you.

My fruit, my flower,
my history of Love,
my touchs.

My humble lamp,
my April rain,
my greed

My piece of bread,
my old saying,
my poet.

The faith that I lost,
my way
and my cart.

My sweet pleasure,
my dream of yesterday,
my luggage.

My warm corner,
my best song,
my landscape

My spring,
my cane field,
my wealth

My wood, my home,
my roof, my lar,
my nobility

My source, my thirst,
my boat, my network
and the sand.

Where did I feel?
where I wrote you
my poem.

martes, 22 de mayo de 2018



 La felicidad de ahora es el recuerdo de mañana
"Nadie nos advirtió, que extrañar es el costo que tienen los buenos momentos".
Extrañar no es malo, echar de menos no es una falta de ortografía. La época pasada es la felicidad pasada, es más, significa que hemos aprovechado bien la vida, que hemos podido amar y ser amados para construir esos momentos que ahora, un hijo que también es parte de lo que somos.

Renunciar a ello no tiene sentido, así que aunque duela, aunque no tengamos que ayudarnos, no tengamos que seguir enfermando de nostalgia, no tengamos miedo de aceptar el pasado y el entendimiento que todo lo valió la pena si nos hizo felices.