martes, 29 de mayo de 2018


In October of 1938 he travels to Mar del Plata. He sent two letters to his son and a farewell poem to the newspaper "La Nación".

OH MAR, huge sea, fierce heart
Of unequal rhythm, bad heart,
I'm softer than that poor stick
That rots in your prisoner waves.

Oh sea, give me your tremendous anger,
I spent my life forgiving,
Because I understood, mar, I left giving:
"Piety, pity for the one who most offends."

Vulgarity, vulgarity haunts me.
Oh, they bought me the city and the man.
Make me have your anger without a name:
I am already tired of this pink mission.

Do you see the vulgar? That vulgar saddens me,
I'm short of breath and where I lack,
I would like to not understand, but I can not:
It's the vulgarity that poisons me.

I was impoverished because understanding overwhelms,
I was impoverished because understanding suffocates,
Blessed the strength of the rock!
I've got the heart like foam.

Mar, I dreamed to be like you are,
There in the afternoons that my life
Under the warm hours it opened ...
Oh, I dreamed to be like you are.

Look at me here, little one, miserable,
All pain overcomes me, all sleep;
Mar, give me, give me the ineffable commitment
To become arrogant, unattainable.

Give me your salt, your iodine, your fierceness,
Sea air! ... Oh tempest, oh anger!
Unhappy with me, I am a caltrop,
And I die, sea, I succumb in my poverty.

And my soul is like the sea, is that,
Ah, the city rots and mistakes
Small life that pain provokes,
May I free myself of its weight!

Fly my determination, my hope fly ...
My life must have been horrible,
It must have been an irrepressible artery
And it's just a scar that always hurts

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